

Here is my next painting that goes with my last painting. My first was Fertility, a girl finding out she is preggers. And this one is the reality of motherhood.


T said...

This is your best one yet. You got everything right. Her nose and eyes are identical to the photo! Great job! I can't wait to see the finished product.

Staci said...

I agree...I love it!!! I can't wait to see if finished ..everything is right one..that really does look like me and miles w/ his lil butt face.

Anonymous said...

totally amazing-need I say more

kelli said...

Wow! Looks like you are sooo creative and doing what you love! Good for YOU! Good to hear from you... what a treat! Kelli

Marlon and Suzana said...

Love it! You captured the way I feel many times trying to get things done & be "supermom"