Yes, your eyes do not deceive you; this book, is My art!
I know its sooooo different then anything I've ever done... in my LIFE!
So with this last project I wanted to GO crazy, unoriginal but still me.
I decided to make a book.
This book is somewhat of an ode to the lost art of Doily making.
I had received these most beautiful handmade tatted doilies
that were created by my Great x3 Grandma.
I wanted to incorporate those awesome lil' bits of art into my art.
Yes, I created a book of SPIDERS!
I know I know... I'm crazzzzzzy.
I thought what's something soooooo gross,
horrifying, and pretty much, the most horrific thing imaginable?
Hellllo, that's spiders!!
I wanted to take something that I'm so scared of,
but appreciate the beauty within them.
Spiders are so gross
but yet create one of the most beautiful arts in nature...
Natures Doilies
...the WEB!
I found these cute old vintage books at the D.I
and wanted to use them as my covers for my book.
(I thought of making my own covers but
there's no way I could of created
that old warn look that I was going for.
So I guess you can say this project
is a found object/ screen print piece)
I exposed all my great grandmas handmade doilies to my screen
and drew the many spiders (and fly);
to create these cute subtle colorful pages to my book.

( I made two copies of this book)
Very cool, Steph.
I'm speechless...I'm totally blown away!!! First of all could you of found and creepier pics of spiders to print ewwwww. I love love this idea..even though i despise spiders it is strangely beautiful! You know you are a true artist when you can create something beautiful from something gross and different. I want a copy of this book...wait i dont know miles will be scared of it im sure. I want you to do this idea but print it at the bottom of a cup like grandmas old mug w/ the beetle. AMAZING!
Creepy yet SO AWESOME! What goes on in that head of yours?!
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